Little Apostle Chapter 11

"The Reason for the Saint's Visit"

   Minato and Taro didn't notice that they were being regarded with awe by Agnes and the others.

"Are you hungry? I'll prepare some food for you." 

"Wafu wafu~"

"Your are too kind! It's alright! We are deeply grateful!"

   This was exclaimed by Hector, an older human male temple knight. 

   He was in his sixties and not only a skilled warrior, but also a devout believer who could use healing magic.

"Oh, I see. Don't be shy."

"Wafu wafu!"

   As they chatted, they soon arrived at a place where a large number of statues made by Minato and the others were lined up.

   To the astonishment of Gilbert and the others, Agnes and the temple knight Hector widened their eyes.

"Saint-sama. I can't believe my own eyes."

   Both the devout priest, and the saint, trembled at the divine power emanating from the statues.

   However, those who were not priests were not as sensitive to divine power as the priests were.

   Marcel, a male human mage in his late twenties, asked Minato and Taro with a puzzled expression.

"Is this... a goddess statue?"

"Yes, that's right. I made it."

"...What is this, exactly?"

   Although he didn't say it out loud, he thought, "It looks like dog poop."

   Not only the mage Marcel, but also Gilbert and the archer thought the same.

"Woof woof~"

"This is the image of the Supreme God that Taro made."

"...Is this the appearance of the Supreme God?"

   Sanya, an elf archer who appeared to be the same age as Agnes, stared intently at Agnes.

   The Archer Sanya wanted to ask the saint, "Is the Supreme God really look like a dog poop?" but she held her tongue.

"Taro has met the Supreme God before. Right, Taro?"


   Upon hearing this, the saint entourage began to consider the possibility that the Supreme God might indeed look like a dog poop.

   Unaware of this, Minato, Taro, and Pipi welcomed the group into their abode.

"This is our home! Please make yourselves comfortable. Don't be shy!"



   The saint entourage entered the cave where Minato lives.


   They was speechless. It was clear that this was not an environment meant for people to live.

   The cave was spacious enough for the large Taro to relax comfortably. 

   However, there's cursed sludge clung to the walls and floor, and a foul stench pervaded the air. 

    While the cave would likely be free from wind and rain, but the water seeped steadily from the walls, leaving everything damp.

"...Do Minato-sama, Taro-sama, and Pippi-sama live here?"

"Yes, that's right. Oh, you don't need to use '-sama.'"

"Woof woof~"

   Minato and Taro insisted on this, but it seemed that they really wanted to address Taro with '-sama.' 

   It must be his attachment as a priest of the Supreme God.

   However, they agreed to refer Minato without the honorific.

"That's great! It's feel weird When you call me Minato-sama!"


   Taro, who wanted to be treated more casually, seemed dissatisfied with being called Taro-sama.

"Oh, the floor is hard, so use this!" 

"Woof woof~"

   Minato and Taro distributed clumps of weeds piled up in a corner of the cave to everyone.

"Taro and I gathered these! Even though the rocks are hard, using these to lie on makes it really comfortable."

"Woof woof!"

   It was Minato great discovery. 

   When Minato found this method, Taro admired him, thinking, "Minato is so smart."

"Thank you."

   The saints expressed their gratitude and placed the clump of weeds under his bottoms.

   It was just grass. Simply placing this wouldn't make much difference in comfort. 

   Even the poorest temple wouldn't use something like this. 

   Gilbert couldn't help but ask, "Does Minato always sleep on this?"

"I do! It's really comfy!"


"I see..."

   Gilbert almost crying at how pitiful Minato and Taro. 

   The saint also imagined the daily lives of Minato and his companions, feeling sympathy for them.

"Um, Agnes-san has something she'd like to ask Taro Right."

"It's not just for Taro-sama, but..."

"Well, Feel free to ask anything!" 


   Asked by the saint, Minato and Taro would generally respond honestly. 

   They didn't feel the need to hide anything.

"Are Minato-san parents, family members, or people from the village, not here?"

"No. Taro and I were sent here by the gods."

"where were you Before coming here?"


"I can't say."

   The only thing they didn't answer was that they were reincarnated. 

   They hadn't told anyone because they had been silenced by Sarakia. 

   It wasn't spoken words, but rather non-verbal information that flowed into their minds. 

   It seemed that it wasn't a good thing for ordinary people to know about the existence of another world.

"Why can't you say?"

"Because it's Sarakia-sama will." 


   After saying that, they weren't asked any further.

"I understand that Taro-sama is a divine beast, but what kind of being is Minato-san?"

"I am Sarakia-sama apostle!"

   In this manner, they continued to answer the saint questions. 

   Taro was a divine beast of the Supreme God, sent by Sarakia to assist Minato. 

  And The reason Minato was sent here was to lift the curse and clear away the miasma.

  Neither Minato nor Taro knew why there were so many curserer around here or about the contamination of the lake.

"But if there are many curserer in this area, I think Sarakia-sama must have telling us to deal with them."

"Woof woof~"

   Once they had finished telling their story, the topic shifted to Pipi.

"Taro found Pipi, who was about to die in the river!"


"Pipi was cursed, so we lifted the curse and she became healthy again~"


   Pipi said "thank you" and flew around Minato and Taro.

"Is the curserer strong enough to the extent of cursing a phoenix..."

   The saint murmured with a serious expression, and Gilbert and the others exchanged tense glances.

   However, Minato and Taro didn't notice the change in the expressions of the saint entourage.

"Oh, Pipi is a phoenix... Is she the royal guardian Beast?"


"I'm not sure!"

   Then, Pipi landed on Minato's head and asked.


"Why did everyone come here?"

"Ah yes, we came here in accordance with the divine message of the Supreme God to purify the contaminated lake nearby."

"Contaminated lake?" 


"Yes. In fact..."

   It seemed that there was another river nearby where Minato and his companions usually caught fish. 

   The spirit of the lake upstream from that river had been cursed, and the lake had become contaminated.

"And downstream from that river is the royal capital."

   Disease began to spread among the people who used the river water as drinking water and for daily use.

   In response to the Oracle of the Supreme God, the elite of the royal capital had come, resolve this.

"We can't act with a large group because there are viscious curserer in this forest."


"Because they'll be cursed."

   If those without power try to fight curserer, they will be cursed and rendered unable to act. 

   Naturally, if that happens, they can't just leave the cursed person alone. 

   After spending valuable resources on dispelling the curse, they need to take the personnel back to the city.

   In simple terms, bringing those without power along would only be a hindrance.

"I see. What does it feel like to be cursed?"

"It varies depending on the curserer, but they emit a miasma-like black fog from their mouths."

"When you inhale that miasma, those without resistance Will be cursed."

"That's scary."

"Yes. People can't live for more than a few minutes with their breath held. It also seeps into the skin bit by bit."

"Even if you surround them in large numbers, if they release the fog, it's all over."

"To fight curserer, high mental resistance, in other words, high magical power, is essential."

"I see."


   Minato and Taro nodded.

   If it's miasma, I feel like I can dispel it even without much power. 

   Minato was about to convey this thought when...


   The saint's stomach growled.

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