Little Apostle Chapter 09

"Status and Sacred Statues"

"Fuwaaahhh, I slept well!"

   When Minato woke up, the outside of the cave was bright. 

   He buried his face in Taro belly, who was sleeping beside him like a cocoon.

"Mmm, such a nice smell!"



"Good morning, Taro, Pippi. I feels really good for some reason!"



   Minato went outside with Taro and pipi.




   Stepping outside, he looked up at the red sky and stretched out again.

   For some reason, he felt full of vitality, and brimming with energy.

"Taro. Is it evening now?"

   After waking up in the morning, i was naming the sacred beasts, and getting tired in the afternoon.


"Huh? It's morning? I slept for such a long time. Are you guys hungry?"



   Minato and the others ate the leftovers breakfast that the sacred beasts had brought yesterday.

"It's delicious!"



   While munching on the fish, Taro said, "Wafu~"


"Is it better to check the status? Ah right, it says to check it frequently."


Minato (Boy/5 years old)

HP: 308/32 → 308

MP: 323/47 → 323

Stamina: 38 → 314

Magic Power: 34 → 310

Strength: 18 → 294

Agility: 26 → 302



- All-attribute magic skill Level 0, Holy Magic Level 12 → 18

- Dispel, Purify Miasma Level 12 → 18

- Can contract with sacred beasts and spirits, no growth limit, growth speed +


"The one who contract with the Sacred Beasts"

- Fire immunity, Fire Magic Level +56

- Evil-entity Special Effect Level 26 → 207

- Concealer Level 70, Recon Level 42, Homing Instinct Level 25, Hawk's Eye Level 75

- Pursuer Level 49, Persevering Runner Level 50, Charge Level 30

- Climber Level 20, Strength Level 35

Contracted Sacred Beasts: 166


"Wow! I've gotten stronger!"



   Reading through the newly acquired skills, Minato realized that they were skills from Rat, Sparrow, Dove, Hawk, Fox, Wolf, Boar, Goat, and Bear, in that order.

"The status has improved a lot, huh?"


"But compared to Taro status, it's still nothing. I need to catch up quickly!"


"It's okay because Taro is protecting me? Thanks. Hehe."

   While talking about this, Pipi stared at the status with a serious expression. 

   With a slightly disappointed look, she let out a sigh.

"Pipi? What's wrong?"


   Pipi said, "It's nothing! As expected of Minato!" and perched on his shoulder, rubbing her cheek.

"Hehe, thanks, Pipi!"

   After finishing their meal, Minato and the others trained and played as usual.




   They sat by the riverside and meditated.

"Ah, I found a beautiful stone!" 



   They searched for Garnet.

"Mumu~. Today statue of Sarakia-sama looks good." 

   They moved in front of the cave and made a statue of the god from mud.

   They've already made over a hundred statues. 

   They don't make statues every day, but there are days when Minato and Taro make seven in a day.

   That's why a lot of it has accumulated.

   Looking at the large number of statues, Minato muttered softly.

"It seems Sarakia-sama statue can be a Talisman... It would have been nice if I could give them to everyone."

   However, both Sarakia statue and the poop like supreme god statue that Taro made, are made of mud.

   They break easily, and if it rains, they crumble to pieces, so they can't be used as souvenirs.


"Ah, making it from wood is also a good idea! Let's try carving with a knife..."


   Pipi, who had been observing the statues closely, suggested, "How about glazing them?"

"Glazing? What does it mean?"


   According to Pipi, glazing is lightly baking clay-made items to solidify them. 

   It seems what Minato and the others thought it was just a mud but it was actually proper clay.

"How can we make them?"

"Pippi! ...Pippii!"

  Pipi said, "Watch," and started to burn the dried statues with fire magic.

"Ohhh, Sugoi!" 



"I see!" 


   Minato and Taro also followed Pipi lead and used fire magic to burn the statues. 

   In fact, it was Pipi first time making it as well. 

   She wasn't particularly knowledgeable about the mechanism or theory. 

   She had only caught a glimpse of plates being baked in a workshop in the past. 

   She just wanted to explain it to Minato with a bit of a proud look. 

   Of course, the success rate was low. They baked five statues, and four of them shattered, but one happened to turn out well.

"I got it! This is how you do it!"

   Watching the one successful baking, Minato understood the trick. 

   It was thanks to the Apostle skill "Growth Speed +". Minato quickly improved his skills.

"Pipi, Taro, adjust your firepower like this~"



   After Minato taught Pipi and Taro, they also became skilled at baking it. 

   The cheerful Minato and the others continued to bake the statues. 

   The quality of the statues increased, and their sacred power grew thanks to the glazing. 

   It was collaboration with the sacred beasts to bake what was originally made by the apostles of the gods and divine beasts. 

   Making it more precious than any statue in any cathedral around the world.

"Fire up!" 



   As everyone happily worked on the baking, Minato, who had gained the "Recon" skill, was the first to notice a visitor.

"Hmm? Someone might be here. Are they a person?"

   Saying that, Minato started running to go greet them.

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